The method behind the madness....

I don't have room to keep EVERYTHING, ALL items I have posted photos for are FOR SALE, unless otherwise noted. Feel free to make me an offer or drop me an email. Most of them I have some sort of pricing idea for and some I need to do a little more research.


Living, Sleeping and Dreaming TRACTORS!

A couple weeks ago my mom was at the local restaurant/ watering hole in the town where she lives. She ran into the mom of one of the girls I went to high school with. In the midst of their conversation I had text my mom to ask her if she wanted to go to the antique tractor show and flea market down the road from my house. 
The mom asked her " Does Amanda have a hobby nobody knows about?" 
My mom proceeded to explain the circumstances about my dad passing away and how I've inherited TRACTORS, TRACTORS and MORE TRACTORS!

Is it a new found hobby of mine? Perhaps. By choice? Tractor collector was certainly never on my list of hobbies to pursue. However, I can definitely say this is a learning experience of ALL sorts. Before long I am going to the an Ertl connoisseur and ask me in about 6 months and I wouldn't be surprised if I am a connoisseur of all John Deeres alike. 

Do you think if I list "John Deere Connoisseur"on my resume John Deere might hire me? I'd like to think so.
I've come to the conclusion that the e-store will be a while before I get it open for business. It seems to take forever to post just one item, BUT I am still working on it because it will allow me to accept credit card transactions, process orders and expand my customer/collector base MUCH better. I come home from my full time job and sometimes I feel like I've created another full time job for myself. Only this doesn't quite feel like quite "as much" work and I make my own deadlines.

Since lots of people are finding out that I have all these toys and/or may possibly know someone that may be interested in looking at them. I decided to create a Shutterfly photo site to post them to as I get the photos taken. With I can upload ALL the photos at one time versus my e-store site where I have to do them one at a time. Plus the Shutterfly site is a little easier to navigate for those who aren't so blog savvy and there are too many items to post them all on the blog anyway. Check out the link below...

I also have it available on the left for easy access at all times!