The method behind the madness....

I don't have room to keep EVERYTHING, ALL items I have posted photos for are FOR SALE, unless otherwise noted. Feel free to make me an offer or drop me an email. Most of them I have some sort of pricing idea for and some I need to do a little more research.


Back to Tuesday Reality....

I hope everyone had a spectacular weekend, I know I enjoyed it. Friday we took our youngest dog to a "pet resort" for a vacation for a few days since we knew we would be coming and going all weekend. Saturday, we drove to Guttenburg to check out another potential cabin near the river. Sunday was spent shining the Charger and getting it ready for the annual University Cruise in Waterloo/Cedar Falls that evening. We spent the day doing some "restro" work. It now has new spark plugs, wires, air filter and electronic ignition switch.

The Show and Shine for the cruise was held from 5-7pm on Sunday and the cruise was from 7-9PM. It was fun to look around at all the cars, new and old. It gives me an idea the potential we have for the Charger. I've fallen in love with Foose wheels and found the ones that I have added to my "wish list" for future purchases. You can check them out at this link.... .  I've also decided to add an "In Memory" plaque just inside the engine compartment in front the the radiator. The estimated turn out was about 300 cars. You can check out the article if you would like.


Living, Sleeping and Dreaming TRACTORS!

A couple weeks ago my mom was at the local restaurant/ watering hole in the town where she lives. She ran into the mom of one of the girls I went to high school with. In the midst of their conversation I had text my mom to ask her if she wanted to go to the antique tractor show and flea market down the road from my house. 
The mom asked her " Does Amanda have a hobby nobody knows about?" 
My mom proceeded to explain the circumstances about my dad passing away and how I've inherited TRACTORS, TRACTORS and MORE TRACTORS!

Is it a new found hobby of mine? Perhaps. By choice? Tractor collector was certainly never on my list of hobbies to pursue. However, I can definitely say this is a learning experience of ALL sorts. Before long I am going to the an Ertl connoisseur and ask me in about 6 months and I wouldn't be surprised if I am a connoisseur of all John Deeres alike. 

Do you think if I list "John Deere Connoisseur"on my resume John Deere might hire me? I'd like to think so.
I've come to the conclusion that the e-store will be a while before I get it open for business. It seems to take forever to post just one item, BUT I am still working on it because it will allow me to accept credit card transactions, process orders and expand my customer/collector base MUCH better. I come home from my full time job and sometimes I feel like I've created another full time job for myself. Only this doesn't quite feel like quite "as much" work and I make my own deadlines.

Since lots of people are finding out that I have all these toys and/or may possibly know someone that may be interested in looking at them. I decided to create a Shutterfly photo site to post them to as I get the photos taken. With I can upload ALL the photos at one time versus my e-store site where I have to do them one at a time. Plus the Shutterfly site is a little easier to navigate for those who aren't so blog savvy and there are too many items to post them all on the blog anyway. Check out the link below...

I also have it available on the left for easy access at all times!